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September begins the Autumnal Equinox

Did you know... 

The abundance of bright moonlight early in the evening was a traditional aide to harvest crews, hence the "Harvest Moon".


As the weather changes and the days get shorter we tend to embrace a more mellow pace of life. Autumn can be a time to renew our power, and find a balance in our energies. Because we have more time for reflection, Autumn is a good time for finding stability and strength from within. Root chakra stones like carnelian helps us find peace and stability fin our roots, home and body, while tigers eye helps use to release inner power and positivity. While we settle into the darker months of the year we can use Autumn as a good time to feel grounded with the use of black onyx and hematite.


What will you spends your Autumnal months focusing on?


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Did you know... 

Breast Cancer is the second most common kind of cancer in women. About 1 in 8 women born today in the United States will get breast cancer at some point.


National Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a chance to raise awareness about the importance of early detection.


Make a difference! Spread the word and get involved.

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Peace of Nature 108 Handmade Jewelry | Mala & Bracelets

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